archer dreamland on twitch
Archer is an American adult animated sitcom created by Adam Reed for FX that premiered on September 17, 2009. The eighth season of the animated television series Archer - subtitled Dreamland - began airing on April 5, 2017, and consisted of eight episodes. This season is also the first to air on FXX since the series was moved from FX (Wikipedia).
Michael Santana, better known as Imaqtpie, is an American League of Legends player. Formerly a professional player for Team Dignitas, he retired from professional play in 2014 to pursue a full-time streaming career on Twitch (Wikipedia).
Promote FXX’s Season 7 of Archer: Dreamland to a gaming audience and creatively showcase the new Archer P.I App
Host IMAQTPIE as he live-streams a 7-hour gaming session of League of Legends on Twitch while promoting the upcoming season of Archer
IMAQTPIE showed the live Twitch audience how to download the Archer Augmented Reality app — and he dressed up like Archer by putting on a suit and tie similar to the character
Create a YouTube pre roll video, where the influencer features snippets of the show
The program drove 1.4M video views on YouTube; plus 188K live-stream viewers and 26K peak concurrent viewers on Twitch.
IMAQTPIE dresses as ARcher, p.i
[LEFT] Screengrab of IMAQTPIE hosting a 7-hour live-stream League of Legends gaming session while promoting Archer: Dreamland (season 7 of Archer on FXX).