The Office on TikTok
The Office is an American mockumentary TV series depicting the everyday lives of office employees at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. It first aired on NBC from March 24, 2005, to May 16, 2013, lasting 9 seasons (Wikipedia). On Jan 1, 2021, the show migrated from Netflix to the NBC owned Peacock TV.
Promote The Office consumer products and merchandise as fun gifts for Holiday 2020.
Create a “Holiday Cringe Dance” using a mashup of The Office theme song mixed with Jingle Bells
Have leading Influencers on TikTok dance in their own unique style while featuring a variety of merchandise and products from The Office
80M Subscribers Reached
7M Total Video Views
1219 Total User-Generated Videos
13% Engagement Rate
the dance that’s so cringy you can’t look away
[LEFT] Joe Mele and his Dad do a cringy dance to The Office remix. @mmmjoemele has 10.8M followers on TikTok.