Trolls world tour on tiktok



Trolls World Tour is a 2020 animated comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. The sequel to Trolls (2016) and the second installment in the franchise, the film features an ensemble cast that features the voices of Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake. The film follows two trolls who discover there are several more troll tribes that represent music genres beyond their own. Troubles arise when the queen of the Rock tribe (Barb) plans to overthrow the other music genres to unite the trolls under rock music (Wikipedia).

Promoting the movie launch on TikTok generated 67 Million organic video views, 10 Million Engagements, 70 thousand user-generated videos and drove 375K subscribers to the official Trolls World Tour TikTok channel.


Drive awareness and excitement to watch Trolls World Tour on demand


  • Create a series of “Duet” videos featuring iconic music and main characters from Trolls World Tour

  • Tap top Influencers to interact with the Trolls characters in their own unique style while encouraging their fans to do the same


  • Dreamworks’ Trolls World Tour made movie history breaking records with PVOD rentals racking up almost 100 million in sales in less than 3 weeks.

  • 244M Subscribers Reached

  • 67M Total Influencer Views

  • 70K User-Generated Videos

  • 16% Engagement Rate

  • 375K Channel Followers



addison rAe - tiny diamond dance duet

[LEFT] This was a fantastic partnership with Addison Rae right before she took the internet by storm. In this video, she duet dances with hip-hop Troll Tiny Diamond to promote the PVOD release. The video hit 18.5M organic views, 3.4M likes, 36K comments, and 11.4K shares.